The animals from the Barn Hill Animal Preserve did not disappoint.
The Zoo is coming to RMS on Wednesday October, 23, 2019.
Barn Hill Preserve's FREE mobile program consists of one, 45-minute oral presentation on our LIVE animal ambassadors. Our program offers students the unique experience to get up close and personal with animals they may have never seen before! Students participate by asking questions, getting involved in demonstrations, and responding to the speaker, making our program both educational and entertaining!
Congratulations to RMS October teacher of the month Lindsey KERSEY & student of the month Magnus Golden.
All tutoring is cancelled this week due to the short week.
Picture retakes tomorrow have been rescheduled for November 1st due to a technical difficulty with Lifetouch.
Please join us for DIG PINK Night 2019 this Thursday, October 17th at Cyclone Arena to support Tonya Bloodworth’s battle against breast cancer!
RMS 1st Nine Weeks Academic Awards Assembly Dates: 10/28/19 - 6th Grade Girls
10/29/19 - 6th Grade Boys
10/30/19 - 7th Grade Girls
10/31/19 - 7th Grade Boys
All assemblies begin at 8:50am in the RMS cafeteria.
The RMS Book Fair will be from October 14-23, 2019 in the RMS Library. Every purchase from the book fair earns rewards for our school, so stop by and support us.
Want to learn more about how PLTW programs are being incorporated throughout the Russellville School District? Please join us at Cyclone Arena on Tuesday November 5, 2019 beginning at 8:30am to find out more.
Please see the attached graphic about changes to our flu clinics.
Data Night is Tuesday Sep. 24th in the cafeteria. 6th grade- 5:30pm and 7th grade 6:30pm. Parents please bring your child's ACT Aspire scores that should have come in the mail and we will help you understand what they mean. We will have an extra copy if needed.
PTO fundraiser cookie dough money is due Monday morning to 1st period classes. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Congratulations to RMS September teacher and student of the month, Mr. Sinor & June Johnson. #gogales
Another great day at RMS
Another great week @RMS. #gogales
Bus drivers needed.
RMS Tutoring Schedule
Mondays-English/Language Arts-Mrs. Sparks. Room 720
Tuesdays-Math-Mrs. Lewis. Room 718
Thursdays-All Subjects-Mrs. Ramsey. Room 607
Tutoring times are 3:15-4:15. Students must be picked up in the front of RMS at 4:15pm.
Congratulations to the RMS Gales Cross Country Team for a great showing at yesterday’s practice meet! #gogales
A few more RMS back to school dance pictures.
The RMS back to school dance was a fantastic success!