Whirlwind Basketball time changes: There are time changes to the RJHS home basketball games. The girls' 8th-grade games will start at 4 pm and the 8th-grade boys' games will follow. The 9th-grade girls' games should begin by 6:00 p.m. All four games will be played on the main floor of the RJHS gym.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RJHS basketball games
Congratulations to RHS Senior Football player, Ben Haulmark on signing with University of Central Arkansas football today! #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Ben haulmark signing
Ben haulmark signing
Ben haulmark signing
Ben haulmark signing
RHS artists preparing for the show: The students in the RHS Honors and AP Art classes are getting ready to showcase their work at the Art Show this weekend! The Art Show will be this Sunday, January 22nd, at The Center for the Arts from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. #ForwardRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RHS art students
RHS art students
RHS art students
RHS art show
RHS Graduation Ceremonies time changes: The 2023 RHS graduation will be held at Cyclone Arena on May 20th, 2023. Please note the change in RHS Graduation ceremony times as follows below: Last names (K - Z) 1:00 p.m. ceremony Last names (A - J) 5:00 p.m. ceremony For any questions, please contact the Russellville High School Front Office at 479-968-3151.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RHS Ceremony times for Graduation
January is National School Board Recognition Month Thank you to all who serve on the RSD Board of Education! #ForwardRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
School Board Appreciation month
Congratulations to Taviah Bradley on signing with Central Baptist College to play softball today! #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
student signing
student signing
student signing
student signing
Reminder: No school on Monday, January 16th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
No school January 16th
Spanish: No school January 16th
Proof of Immunizations due by January 27th: If your child has received information about missing immunizations, school nurses need proof of immunization or an immunization exemption form by January 27th. The immunization exemption form can be found here: https://onlineimmunizationexemption.adh.arkansas.gov/WebsiteContent/Home-Page.aspx For any questions, contact your child's school.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Proof of Immunizations or exemption forms due by Jan.27th
Spanish: Proof of Immunizations or exemption forms due by Jan.27th
RSD Families, The Arkansas Department of Education is hosting another SMACtalk Parent Webinar on January 10th from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.via zoom. The guest is Jessica Franklin from Little Rock FBI. See more information below. The link to register is here:  http://smactalk.info/parent-webinars?fbclid=IwAR22e8ysJyiKIDSBPkNj8e2PYMC5w32lwKLrOSMecVLgxh-Lgu7mSNk3d6I
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Did you know RSD has an app? Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. Search Russellville School District in the app store or use the links below: Download for Android http://bit.ly/2GbQuGX Download for iPhone https://apple.co/2GbgB0s
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Download the RSD App
Congratulations to the RHS Boys Basketball team for winning the Episcopal High School Wildcat Invitational Basketball Tournament last week! #LetsGoCyclones
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Cyclones Boy Basketball Team wins  the Episcopal High School Wildcat Invitational basketball tournament.
Today, RSD staff members were welcomed by the RHS Band, Cheerleaders, and Dance teams for the 2023 Winter Launch. Thank you to Arkansas State Senator Breanne Davis and Arkansas Commissioner of Education Johnny Key for speaking today. See you tomorrow, students!
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Staff at Winter Launch 23
Dance at Winter Launch 23
Senator at Winter 23
ADE Commissioner at Winter Launch 23
From Rising Educators to RSD staff member: "Ever since elementary school, Mrs. Aubrey Howerton knew she wanted to be a teacher. So when she was attending Russellville High School and learned of the RHS Teacher Cadet Program, she jumped on the opportunity." Learn more about Mrs. Howertons's Rising Educator story in the 2022 RSD Annual Community Report at this link. https://www.rsdk12.net/documents/state-required-information/2022-2023-school-year/16.-annual-report-to-the-public/327435
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Mrs. Howerton's Rising Educator story
Decorating Christmas Trees with Math: At Sequoyah Elementary, the 4th graders in Mrs. Tobey's class decorated their Christmas trees based on the types of numbers on the ornaments. Prime number trees, Composite number trees, they're all beautiful!
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Students decorating Christmas trees with math
Students decorating Christmas trees with math
Students decorating Christmas trees with math
Students decorating Christmas trees with math
Reminder Christmas Break begins next week! See the dates below:
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RSD Holiday Dates
OHE Secret Reader: Dr. McDonald read "Splendiferous Christmas" (Fancy Nancy) to Mrs. Tankersley's class. Seeing the students' smiles makes the storyline even better! #ForwardRSD #AchievingExcellenceTogether
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Dr. McDonald reading to students
Dr. McDonald reading to students
Dr. McDonald and Mr.Holt heard CVE 1st graders were looking for the Gingerbread Man, and they caught Gingy just in time! Gingy came along to tour all of the schools and deliver cookies to staff members! Swipe to see all of the Holiday cheer that followed!
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Have a Merry Christmas!
Schools will be dismissing 30 minutes earlier than their regular dismissal time on Tuesday, December 20th. If you are picking up your child, please make sure to be there at the early dismissal time. Bus transportation routes will run 30 minutes earlier. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
early dismissal on Dec 20th
Tis' the season for reading all of the best holiday classics. When the little ones add their own twists and turns, the stories become even better! #ForwardRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Pre-k student reading Gingerbread book
Run Run as Fast as you can to Kindergarten: It’s always a great time seeing all these bright smiles and happy faces. Thank you to all who came out tonight and to everyone who helped make this event happen! See you in Kindergarten! #ForwardRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Making gingerbread houses
Making gingerbread houses
Making gingerbread houses
Making gingerbread houses